Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our first elementary school spring carnival!

Our family had a GREAT time at our first elementary school Spring Carnival.
There were games and prizes. There was yummy food. There were arts and
crafts to make cool things. Ryan and Natalie gave high fives to the school mascot
Kyle the crocodile! Best of all we had fun with our friends and family
at our neighborhood school, where our crocs rock!

They're coming to get me!

Toot toot!

I can't wait to go to kindergarten!

I love train rides!

Let's do the hair first, please

Nails please... I'm a beautful princess!

Ryan, please push me around the track

Mommy to the rescue!

I can do this myself!

All the stuff we took home from the carnival.
The item on the right we won from the raffle!
Let's get ready for a pool party! yeah!!!

Purim and paint on costumes

Meet Miss Butterfly and Mr Batman !