Sunday, January 20, 2008

Snow in Raleigh - January 20, 2008

I love playing in snow!

Here comes a snowball for Daddy!

I love making snow angels!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

My little pony and the dragon slayer

We're bowling!

Ryan and Natalie had the opportunity to go bowling at their friend Braden's birthday party!

I like this bowling thing!

Girls rock! See my score ?

Happy Hanukkah!

Ryan and Natalie receive chairs for their room from Bubbe and Zadie. Great for getting dressed or reading a book!

Elephant and Giraffe, oh boy!

That's the Hanukkah spirit!

Close your eyes! Here comes a surprise!

It's a computer and fire truck from Grandma and Grandpa!

Excuse me, I'm working...