Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Doggies for Ryan & Natalie

Ryan and Natalie enjoying their new dogs from
Aunt Saralle and Uncle Arthur. The dog names
are Patrick and Penny. Enjoy the pictures!

Where's Natalie ?

Two dogs go for a stroll !

Where's Natalie again ? (see the head on the right behind the stroller)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ryan and Natalie at Blue Jay Point Park

What a beautiful warm day in November for a day at the park.
Ryan and Natalie played in the sand area. They never saw sand before. What fun!

On to the slides!

A lot of fun just wears them out!

Ryan and Natalie's twin stroller

Ryan and Natalie's twin stroller from Grandma and Grandpa Kaskawits

Bubbe and Zadie Eluto bring the dogs

Ryan and Natalie's Bubbe (Grandma) and Zadie (Grandpa) Eluto brought the dogs home after keeping them a full month! We can't thank them enough.

Here are some pictures from Bubbe and Zadie Eluto's visit...

Bubbe and Zadie Eluto brought Ryan and Natalie shopping carts! The future shoppers of Harris Teeter and Kroger!

Lunch out with Bubbe and Zadie Eluto

The dogs are exhausted!

Sugar & Lady

A special gift from a special lady

We received two beautifully crocheted dogs from Flo Braunstein, Grandma & Grandpa Kaskawits' neighbor. We would like to share with Flo and everyone two great pictures. Ryan and Natalie just love them. Thank you Flo!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ryan and Natalie's First Monday Night Dinner (MND)

A group of friends have a tradition of eating out on Monday nights. Ryan and Natalie now have experienced their first MND at Red Robin

Ryan and our friend Marjorie:

Ryan, Natalie, Sherry & Selanna

Some really great pictures taken by our friend Selanna. We know Selanna and her husband Gil from TYJP (Triangle Young Jewish Professionals). She's been great with the kids as you will see!